Six Thinking Hats


I personally believe my usual thinking hat to be a red hat. I usually operate based on what feels right and go back to survey the damage later, adjusting my work with the benefit of hindsight. I make what I think is right and scrutinize what's already made after the fact.

White Hat

The white hat is the robotic, data-driven hat. In my discussion about my project we found that a simple comic-hosting website has been done a million times in the past. Although never really the main source of traffic, as it is usually a better idea to post your work on other, more influential websites to amass a following. The website itself would also be unlikely to be too difficult to set up, with its interactive elements posing the biggest challenge.

Red Hat

The previously mentioned Red Hat is the emotional hat. Operating off instinct and emotion the site made sense to us at a first glance. There is a possibility that too much content on one page could become boring and might lose our interest. The website itself being presented in a boring manner would hamper the experience. However the gut feeling remained steadfast overall.

Black Hat

The Debbie Downer hat, the main concern when discussing the sight in a cautiously logical manner was its effectiveness outside of being an excersice for class, with it being unlikely for a random person to find a student's website he made for class. There was also the possiblity of over complicating the scope of the site, and be unable to fulfill any of those goals. There is also the possibility that the making of the content meant to be hosted on the website may take too long and ultimately drag the whole project down.

Yellow Hat

The yellow hat is the more positive hat, so we looked at the best possible outcomes for the site. We put to rest some of the black hat concerns while wearing this hat. The content shouldn't be much more difficult than the site, as I have much more experience in it and have more flexibility in its scope and length. The site, if done correctly could emulate some of the good times I've had on independtly hosted comic sites in the past. Overall, it's a potentially very fun multidisciplinary project.

Green Hat

Weirdness, creativity and changes. The green hat discussion took a few turns, one of the ideas was to have the comic specifically make use of the benefits of its digital medium, as it is unlikely to recieve a print edition. Updating individual panels as the base file is swapped can make for some precise control and timing over the content and its flow that is usually only dreamt of. Alternatively, the site could simply be walls of text instead of a comic, I noted this and ignored it (for now).

Blue Hat

The supreme overlord (or blue hat) discussions were probably the most boring. I need to do some more white hat thinking and figure out the logistics of what I'm doing. I am worried that the comic, or whatever I end up hosting on this site will take too long to make relative to its time to consume, this isn't a new problem, but It's only begun to worry me now.

In Conclusion

Discussing the project with a pal while switching hats made me realize how much work I'll have to put into this project, specifically the comic that the site will be hosting. I've begun considering alternative content to include, or a specific style or constraint for the comic, whether that be a limited color scheme, reduced length or recycled assets. I've also realized how much potential a digital gallery has, since it allows me to make content that would otherwise be limited by the technical constraints of ink on paper. I'm also looking to see if this new plan for an "updating" image rather than a new page load every time you want to go to the next page or panel is even doable in html. I've seen it done before, and it's fantastic, but I don't want to start something that I can't finish.