Assignement Four

This Week's questions

Non-Obvious Clickable Element.

The Youtube Homepage

Features "Topics" at the top of the screen, these are the same color as the background and require further context as to their function.

How can framing your project in a story format help you refine your ideas?

Framing a project as a narrative helps make it more accesible to a wider variety of site visitors. The human story-telling experience is universal, and this includes its structure. It's easy to throw out walls of text to meet all of your project's requirements, but for any of it to stick you're going to have to make an appealing narrative out of your site. This allows anybody reading through the page to easilly digest its content and facilitate a better understanding of its content, as well as building a personal connection with an (uncaring) bunch of code. Framing your project as a narrative gives you a straightforward path to getting your concepts across that is intuitive and maybe even more enjoyable than the alternative.

Creative Brief

With the current AI "gold rush" that has people head over heels for this new technology, a lot of proponents don't fully understand the hesitation the general public shows regarding the rapid growth of artificial intelligence as an industry, and get caught up in the arms race to be the first to exploit this developing sector. Anybody that does not consider or understand the ethical hangups that those that are at risk of being "replaced" by AI is encouraged to visit this site (once it exists). There are a lot of people saying the same thing, and a lot of people saying the exact opposite, but it's important to communicate the less obvious implications of such technologies, such as: Human work is appreciated in part because of the effort and time put behind it, the expectation for computer generated imagery to be held in the same amount of esteem is often met with dissapointment. It is important to realize how much of the personal value and worth of writing, visual art and other mediums comes from them representing the work invested into them, and not exclusively the end results. A change, or at least a widening in perspectives regarding the possible disconnect in percieved and actual value of computer generated images would mean the website has been succesful.